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The Australian Labour and Employment Relations Association (ALERA) owns and publishes the Journal of Industrial Relations (JIR).

The JIR is an international refereed journal that analyses a wide range of employment and workplace issues.

It is one of the oldest and most highly regarded academic journals in industrial relations around the world. The JIR is the pre-eminent journal of industrial, employment and workplace relations in Australia and has provided an authoritative record of developments in industrial relations since 1959.

Members of affiliated State and Territory industrial relations societies receive complimentary access to the Journal.



The Journal of Industrial Relations takes a broad interdisciplinary approach to the subject of the world of work. It welcomes contributions which examine the way individuals, groups, organisations and institutions shape the employment relationship.

The Journal takes the view that a comprehensive understanding of industrial relations must take into account economic, political and social influences on the power of capital and labour, and the interactions between employers, workers, their collective organisations and the state.


The JIR welcomes contributions exploring the traditional concerns of industrial relations as well as studies addressing the intersection of workplace, family and community and how individuals, groups, organisations and institutions (including governments) shape employment relationships. The JIR has an international reputation for publishing rigorous analyses, including theoretically informed case studies as well as international and comparative articles.

It is a peer reviewed journal.


For more information on the JIR, submission guidelines, contents alerts, free electronic access to table of contents and abstracts, visit the Journal of Industrial Relations website.



  • Amanda Pyman, Deakin University
  • Lucy Taska, Deakin University

Deputy Editors

  • Santina Bertone, Central Queensland University
  • Amanda Coles, Deakin University

Associate Editors

  • Nikki Balnave, Macquarie University Business School
  • Larissa Bamberry, Charles Sturt University
  • Donella Caspersz, University of Western Australia Business School
  • Linda Colley, Queensland Government Special Commissioner Equity and Diversity, Public Service Commission
  • Tyron Love, University of Canterbury Business School, Christchurch
  • Karin Mathison, Keystone, Hobart
  • Troy Sarina, Industrial Relations Consultant, Australia
  • Vicki Telfer, Northern Commissioner for Public Employment, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
  • Louise Thornthwaite, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  • Sue Williamson, University of New South Wales

Editorial Assistant

  • Bis Hakimi, Deakin University, Business and Law

"The Journal of Industrial Relations is one of the prime outlets for research on work, labour and employment relations. The journal is international in scope and has an authorship and readership from across the globe. For researchers … it is a principal source of theory and evidence on global developments in the world of work and a desirable place in which to publish: JIR is a journal to which one sends one's best work."

Edmund Heery
Cardiff University, UK

"JIR is a terrific source of information about the wide-ranging changes occurring at the workplace. The journal reports on international and comparative developments in articles written by leading academic authorities. The articles are well researched with a variety of methodologies used to analyze original data."

Harry C. Katz
Cornell University, USA


2009 – 2021 Marian Baird and Bradon Ellem (University of Sydney)
2005 – 2009 Bradon Ellem and Russell Lansbury (University of Sydney)
1999 – 2005 Ron Callus and Russell Lansbury (University of Sydney)
1991 – 1999 Braham Dabscheck (University of New South Wales)
1974 – 1991 John Niland (University of New South Wales)
1959 – 1974 Kingsley Laffer (University of Sydney)
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