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Industrial relations

Industrial relations webinars and seminars are a great way to learn, gain valuable insights and knowledge from the experts

ILO-ILERA Seminar: Researching work in and after the pandemic

Chaired by Prof Rae Cooper, AO (University of Sydney and President Elect ILERA) together with the following renowned expert speakers.

  • Prof Mia Rönnmar (Lund University)
  • A/Prof Chris F Wright (University of Sydney) and Prof Colm McLaughlin (University College Dublin)
  • Prof Clare Kelliher (Cranfield University)
  • Janine Berg (ILO)

The seminar includes reflections from leaders of ILERA and its Study Groups as well as from a senior ILO representative. Participants  discussed their recent research on ‘work and labour market change in and after the pandemic’.

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