australia's oldest & |
The Australian Labour and Employment Relations Association (ALERA) is the voice of the industrial relations (IR) profession.Formerly called the IR Society of Australia, ALERA was formed in the 1950s, making us the oldest and largest national organisation in this field in Australia. As the national voice for IR professionals, ALERA’s objects include fostering discussion, research, education, publication and liaising with governments as well as other organisations and agencies. |
JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (JIR)ALERA has published the highly-respected Journal of Industrial Relations since 1959. JIR covers a wide range of employment and workplace relations issues. Members receive a free subscription. | ALERA BIENNIAL NATIONAL | INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS |
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTALERA’s affiliated State and Territory industrial relations societies host a variety of professional development courses and information sessions for members. These are designed for IR or HR practitioners working in the public, private or not for profit sectors, union officials, lawyers, advocates or tribunal members, interested academics or students passionate about industrial relations. All presenters are experts in their field who provide practical information based on their extensive experience and knowledge. Participation enables a free exchange of opinions, an understanding of another person's point of view, and new friendships - all factors designed to create goodwill and understanding in the field of industrial relations. National events are available on our events page. GOVERNANCEALERA is governed by an Executive Committee comprised of representatives of each of the State and Territory Divisions that make up our affiliated constituent bodies. IR professionals are invited to join their local State or Territory Division. Becoming a member enables exchange of opinions, an understanding of others’ points of view, and new friendships. This helps to create goodwill and understanding in IR and related fields. Read ALERA's Rules of Association. |
ALERA is an ACNC registered charity. |