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Q&A with IRSNSW President, Christa Lenard

26 Jun 2024 3:52 PM | ALERA (Administrator)

Can you share with us the story of how you initially became involved in the field of Industrial Relations? What experiences or events led you to pursue a career in this area?

I commenced an Arts/Law degree at Sydney Uni, thinking I would major in English and History. I left my first English lecture in week one knowing immediately it wasn't for me and found myself in the furthest campus building from that lecture hall. It was the Industrial Relations building. I tried to enrol and was told it was fully subscribed. I recall telling the IR admin person that I would be an asset to the department and would end up top of class, so they should let me in! They relented and that was the start of my love affair with IR. Four years later, I completed my (Arts) Honours year majoring in Industrial Relations (and was awarded the Qantas prize as top student)! I joined the Clayton Utz Employment Law team as a paralegal that year and other than one six month rotation as a grad, I have practiced industrial relations / employment law ever since. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

Reflecting on your career journey thus far, could you highlight what you consider to be your most significant achievement within the realm of Industrial Relations? How did this accomplishment impact your professional trajectory or contribute to your personal growth?

At the end of 2019, three colleagues and I founded Kingston Reid. At that time, we had a vision to be bold and think big in how we deliver legal services to clients. We had a brilliant national team and together we created a firm that focuses exclusively on employment, industrial and safety law. We set out to be the largest national specialist workplace firm and today, Kingston Reid is recognised as a Tier 1 specialist. The accomplishment is only in a very small part, mine - it is overwhelmingly the accomplishment of our dedicated and amazing team who think big, stay curious and walk in our client’s shoes - and it's something I am immensely proud of. Personally, it has led to huge growth in developing skills to run a business. It has helped me think strategically and be a better people leader.

In your opinion, what do you perceive as the most prominent emerging issue within the field of Industrial Relations today? How do you foresee this issue shaping the landscape of IR in the future, and what steps do you believe are necessary to address it effectively?

It's trite to say, but I think the impact of digital transformation and automation on the nature and quality of work is a huge issue. As technology advances and disrupts various industries and occupations, workers face the challenges of adapting to new skills requirements, coping with job insecurity and displacement, and negotiating fair wages and conditions in an increasingly competitive and flexible labour market. Employers face increased competition and have to be more agile than ever. We see this with digital platforms and gig work which is being disrupted now. This issue will definitely impact the landscape of IR in the future, as it will require innovative and collaborative solutions from all stakeholders, including those our State and Territory Society’s represent.

If you could offer a piece of advice to your younger self when embarking on your first job in Industrial Relations, what would it be? Based on your experiences and insights gained over the years, what guidance would you provide to someone just starting out in this field?

Ha! I wouldn't dare provide advice to my younger self - it wouldn't be appreciated! My insights aren't prolific (clichéd, yes!) - jump in the deep end and work hard (it's easy to stand out if you show initiative and get things done!) .

Is there a particular individual within the realm of Industrial Relations or a related field whom you admire most? What qualities or accomplishments of this person inspire you, and in what ways have they influenced your approach to your own professional endeavours?

Loads of people inspire me and I admire too many to name! Most of them are fabulous femmes who have huge drive and are passionate about what they do. Some of these women are leaders in business, others in law and a number in academia.

As we aim to get to know you better beyond your professional achievements, could you share a random fun fact about yourself? Whether it's a unique hobby, an interesting travel experience, or an unexpected talent, we'd love to hear something that offers insight into the person behind the professional persona.

I am a Group Fitness Instructor (GFI) in my spare time. I teach a number of Les Mills group fitness classes and can be found in spin rooms around the Sydney CBD on weekday mornings.

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