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5 Minutes with Neroli Ellis

16 May 2024 12:25 PM | ALERA (Administrator)

How did you get into workplace relations?

I was sick of everyone whinging in the tearoom about their workplace concerns so I became active in raising issues and importantly putting forward solutions and working with management to ensure change. For me, it has always been about the basic values and fairness and that continues to be my motivation.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Take risks and when faced with “sliding door moments”, always choose the door which is the uncomfortable way forward to open up new challenges and experiences. Always keep learning.

What do you feel has been the biggest achievement in your career to date?

Appointment to the role as Deputy President of the Tasmanian Industrial Commission and utilising my depth of experience gained through 17 years as the State Secretary of the Australian Nursing Midwifery Federation.

What is the biggest emerging issue in workplace relations?

Workplace relations is now more complex and technical and becoming out of touch for many. Despite the changing industrial frameworks, employees and managers still need to work in a shared interest-based approach in a collaborative working environment. Unfortunately, many managers who have been promoted due to their advanced skill set, may not have the important skills of industrial relations, which ultimately is about people, communication, mutual respect and the employment relationship.

Who is the person you most admire?

I’ve been lucky to have many mentors during my career and have admired them all and they have been instrumental in my work- life balance. I have sought out support when I felt I needed to be able to share ideas and strategy and have had union, management, board chairs, lawyers and academics to work with and I am always grateful for their advice.

Tell us a random fun fact about you?

I am addicted to masters rowing and have just competed at Nationals. You have to be abnormal to want to train at 6 am in the cold and dark four days a week and also turn up regularly to the gym.

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