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Fair Work Commission Update - New ‘Learning, tools and resources’ subscriber service

1 Nov 2023 2:21 PM | ALERA (Administrator)

The Fair Work Commission is the national workplace relations tribunal. They help resolve workplace disputes and set minimum pay and conditions.

New ‘Learning, tools and resources’ subscriber service

They have launched a new, free email subscription service called ‘Learning, tools and resources’.

Subscribers to the new service will receive occasional emails containing practical, plain language information about employment matters we deal with at the Commission.

They will send you information on a range of topics including:

  • bullying and sexual harassment at work
  • unfair dismissal
  • discrimination (general protections)
  • workplace disputes including about flexible work and parental leave.

As a tribunal, the Commission is unable to provide legal advice. They encourage you to make use of their free materials to support your work.

Do you know about ‘zombie agreements’?

They have new resources to help people find out if they may be affected by the sunsetting of ‘zombie agreements’ on 7 December 2023.

If a ‘zombie agreement’ sunsets, the legal minimum pay and conditions for employees that were covered by that agreement they are very likely to change.

What is a zombie agreement? — On 7 December 2023, certain agreements made before 2010 that are still in operation (‘zombie agreements’) will automatically terminate (‘sunset’) unless an application is made to the Fair Work Commission before 7 December 2023 to extend their operation.

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